Steve Farrell




When Neale Donald Walsch and I founded Humanity's Team in 2003, it was with a vision of a world free of outdated and limiting beliefs about the Divine, one another, nature, and all of life. I knew that education would play a significant role in bringing this about, and this has proved to be true as evidenced by the exceptional growth of Humanity's Team learning platform in the last 20 years, and indeed the entire transformational education market.

However, with the dramatic global events and changes on Earth especially since 2019, I knew we had to do more to help humanity awaken to our Oneness and to begin living consciously on the Earth. Meaning, that the sooner we realize that each one is an integral part of a sacred larger whole, we begin to make decisions that create more fulfilling lives for ourselves and for everyone on the planet.

This desire evolved into our Changing Humanity's Future Initiative launched in 2022, with a goal of making conscious living pervasive on Earth by 2040. For some, this means taking inspired action in their local communities, for others it means more education, but for most it includes replacing long-held detrimental beliefs with more empowering thoughts and related behaviors as described in our Action Steps below.

 Many individuals as well as global leaders have already taken up the challenge with us.

 I invite you to explore the information below and ask yourself -- how do I want to help

 Change Humanity's Future? 

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